Researchers Discover Ancient Aztec Map Of Universe In Mexico

Researchers Discover Ancient Aztec Map Of Universe In Mexico
Researchers Discover Ancient Aztec Map Of Universe In Mexico

Mexican archaeologists have discovered a stone sanctuary at the bottom of a pond below the Iztaccihuatl volcano that seems to depict a mythical model of the universe.

While our modern ability to shoot rockets into space and beam photos of distant planets back to Earth might make us feel like we have a pretty good understanding of the universe, it’s worth remembering that humanity has been studying the stars, and contemplating their origins, for thousands of years.

An archeological dig site inside a volcano in Mexico is a testament to this—a team of excavators believes they’ve uncovered an ancient map of the universe, as it was understood by its Aztec creators.

While the “tetzacualco” stone sanctuary hasn’t been uncovered in its entirety, from the description that’s been provided by archeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), this probably looked utterly breathtaking in its heyday.

Apparently, the stones that make up the various navigational points within the universe in this map have been placed in a small, secluded pool of still water, which reflects up the image of the sky above, making it appear that the stones are all floating in nothingness. This, apparently, is important to the Aztec creation myth, and their idea of the early universe being made up of small pockets of land that float independently in the great waters of the universe.

According to archeologist Iris del Rocio Hernandez Bautista:

“These visual effects, in addition to the characteristics of the elements that make up the site and the relationship they have with each other, make us suppose that Nahualac could represent a microcosm that evokes the primitive waters and the beginning of the mythical time-space.”

It’s very easy to scoff at the beliefs of people from a less scientifically enlightened age of humanity, ruling out their understanding of the universe as relying too heavily on guesswork and speculation.

That said, it’s important for us all to remember that our own knowledge of space and time is very limited—there seems to be a constant influx of data about the universe in which we live which contradicts everything we currently understand, and the more we learn, the more we realize that we know almost nothing about the great, big, expanse of stars and planets that exists beyond the boundaries of our own planet.


  1. Throughout the history of humanity we have developed a multitude of myths that has depicted the origins of space, time, the universe and our place in the great tapestry. We are in the process of developing our own myths such as parallel universes, the beginning of time, and superiority of the human race. The Aztecs are not alone in the exploration of place in the greater cosmic garden called this universe. Where does myth end and reality begin? The aspects of myth ends where superstitions and fears are swept aside by the light of truth. I would give them< the Aztecs, an A++ for their efforts that have lasted the test of time. This is part of our world heritage


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