Tyler Carach delivers donuts to police officers across America

Tyler Carach delivers donuts to police officers across America
Tyler Carach delivers donuts to police officers across America

Tyler Carach delivers donuts to police officers across America to say thanks.

A little boy in Tennessee is serving up donuts for the men and women who serve.

Tyler Carach may be just 10 years old, but he’s already given himself the admirable mission of delivering the sweet treats to police officers across America.

“It’s like, alright sweetie bring it down to a level 5, we don’t need to be at a 17,” said his mom, Sheena Carach, who is a former cop. “You know he just loves it.”

Tyler says he started his mission as a way to thank officers for protecting the country.

In their spare time, Tyler and his mom drive to precincts near and far to give officers donuts along with messages of gratitude.

“It’s important because I want to thank them for their sacrifices,” Tyler said.

Thus far, he’s visited 39 states while handing out more than 70-thousand donuts!

He does chores to raise money to pay for the donuts, but also gets donations and sponsors along the way.


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