Joe Maldonado, Transgender Boy Scout awarded 18k and formal apology after being kicked out of troop

Joe Maldonado: Transgender Boy Scout awarded 18k and formal apology after being kicked out of troop
Joe Maldonado: Transgender Boy Scout awarded 18k and formal apology after being kicked out of troop

Joe Maldonado, Transgender boy, 9, is awarded $18K and a formal apology after being kicked out of Scout pack ‘because some of the parents complained – even though the other kids all accepted him’.

When Joe Maldonado was kicked out of the Cub Scouts because he is transgender, he said he was more mad than sad about it. He was kicked out last year because the Boy Scouts of America accepted members based on the sex marked on their birth certificate. But since then, the Boy Scouts have reversed their decision, and now the New Jersey branch of the organization that initially kicked Joe out has agreed to pay him a settlement and formally apologize.

After Joe’s mother, Kristie Maldonado, filed a discrimination complaint against the scouts, they agreed to pay Joe an $18,000 settlement accompanied by an apology, reports.

“Joe is happy that they admitted they were wrong,” Kristie told the publication.

After Joe was kicked out, the Boy Scouts of America reversed their policy that they only accept members identified as male at birth, opening up troops to transgender boys across the country. The decision came in January, shortly after Joe’s story went public.

In a statement, the organization said they are “happy to welcome Joe and the Maldonado family back into the Scouting community.”And Joe is happy to be back. His mother told Joe has rejoined a Cub Scout troop and recently went on a camping trip with them. Parents have told Kristie they welcome her son into the pack, too.

When Joe was kicked out, he made a perfect argument for why any boy should be allowed to be a scout.

“My identity is a boy,” he said. “If I was them, I would let every person in the world go in. It’s right to do.”

Exactly. Joe identifies as a boy, so therefore he is a boy. Since it’s the Boy Scouts, there’s no reason Joe, or anyone else should be excluded.


  1. This is just another case of a fake case for a law suit ,this child is too young to now what it wants .These parents need their fucking heads examined . This is just some kind of cool trend right now that these leftards think is cool .Just go have sex with your fucking dog and leave the children alone. If that is what they want when they get to be adults then so be it .Just another leftest judge trying to think whats right ,now the mother has 18K.

  2. uh, what happens when she grows boobs, gets her period, and starts liking boys? Then they are all out in the woods, in “boy” scouts?


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