Is your decision making style preventing you from achieving your health goals

Is your decision making style preventing you from achieving your health goals
Is your decision making style preventing you from achieving your health goals

The way we make decisions when planning healthy goals will contribute to the outcome of those goals. Three basic decision making styles are;

Inactive decision-making style

Someone who engages in an Inactive decision-making style simply does not make a decision. The reason decisions are not made can come from a variety of barriers, including but not limited to; procrastination, lack of self discipline, denial, lack of strong motivators, assigning low importance to making a healthy lifestyle change, lack of basic health knowledge, lack of conviction, or lack of self efficacy.

In some cases these individuals exhibit specific habits that result in not making a healthy decision, such as;

postponing a decision about their health until some future time when the health issue becomes more severe or interferes with some other part of their life or well being.
taking minimal control over certain aspects of their lives, especially those concerning the direction their health has taken, leaving it up to their health providers, another family member or, in some cases, strangers.
simply do not make a decision because they fear the outcome may not be positive and they have not developed their “trust muscle” in their ability to make the right decision. They lack self efficacy.

Reactive decision-making style

Someone who engages in Reactive decision-making style may often be influenced by others in the health related decision they make, both good and bad. These individuals are also influenced to make a decision based on the circumstances or conditions in which they find themselves. The barriers these individuals may experience can include; lack of health related knowledge, a sensitive person, lack of willpower lack of self esteem and a need to be liked by others.

These individuals can exhibit specific habits that influence making a decisions, health or otherwise, such as;

inability to set boundaries with others
inability to say no to others
repeatedly making misjudgments or poor health choices
seem to always be trying the latest diet, supplement or health fad they become aware of

Proactive decision-making style

Someone who engages in a Proactive decision-making style, does so through a process of education, evaluation, and careful consideration of the benefits and disadvantages of their decision.

These individuals tend to demonstrate strengths such as, self control, self discipline, self management, sound decision making ability, empowerment, curiosity creativity, self esteem and self efficacy.

These individuals may also exhibit specific habits that influence making a decisions, such as;

taking responsibility for their decisions
less motivated by circumstances and conditions
less influenced by others
make informed decisions through weighing information carefully and considering the consequences of each decision.

Seldom will any one individual only use one decision making style and more often will engage in all 3 styles at one time or another. Ideally, using the Proactive decision-making style will result in more favorable outcomes.


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