Tech: Liquid water is more than just H2O molecules
IMAGE: Infrared spectra of light (red), heavy (blue), semiheavy (gray) water, and ionic...
Tech: Looking at linkers helps to join the dots
IMAGE: In the solvent-dominated regime, the dots are capped with long oleic acid...
Tech: Engineering: Reducing noise transmitted through an open window
A new device that can reduce the intensity of sound passing through open windows is presented in a proof-of-principle study in Scientific Reports. It...
Tech: Unraveling the mystery of wheat herbicide tolerance
IMAGE: Researchers at the University of Illinois have taken advantage of wheat's flexible...
Tech: How vaping companies are use Instagram to market to young people
IMAGE: Samples of the images scraped from Instagram.
Tech: Fishing for a theory of emergent behavior
IMAGE: The classification from Φ values related to the school's behaviour.
(a) analysis of...
Tech: TGen-led study identifies unique cells that may drive lung fibrosis
PHOENIX, Ariz. -- July 8, 2020 -- A groundbreaking study published today and led by the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), an affiliate of...
Tech: The project to measure the impact of COVID using social networks’ surveys reaches...
The project called CoronaSurveys was created to "Measure the Iceberg" and was based on the idea that the iceberg has a visible tip -...
Tech: TU Graz experimental physicists study steel on board the ISS
IMAGE: Peter Pichler (left) with working group leader Gernot Pottlacher (right). From the...
Tech: Novel “dual-resonant method” in 2D materials can spur advances in the field of...
IMAGE: Dr Hyunmin Kim (left; Senior researcher, Division of Biotechnology of DGIST), Prof...
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Hey ISIS, You Suck: Local Muslims Post Anti-ISIS Billboard
A new billboard on Manchester Road in Missouri reads, "HEY ISIS, YOU SUCK!!! From: #ActualMuslims."
A group of Muslim-Americans have put up a blunt billboard...