Friday, January 10, 2025
Research: This Neutron Star Merger is Glowing in a Seriously Weird Way

Study: This Neutron Star Merger is Glowing in a Seriously Weird Way

Remember the two neutron stars that were found merging some 138 million light-years away from Earth last August? Researchers looking at the aftermath of...
Research: New technique for finding life on Mars

New study for finding life on Mars

Scientists demonstrate for the first time the potential of existing technology to directly detect and characterize life on Mars and other planets. The study,...
DNA study shows 4,000 year-old mummies are half brothers

New DNA study shows 4,000 year-old mummies are half brothers

Science has increased the distance between two "brothers" 4,000 years after their death. Ever since they were found buried together, the mummies of Khnum-nakht and...
Researcher will test the limits of quantum theory

Researcher will test the limits of quantum theory

A researcher from Queen's University is working with researchers at two other UK universities to test one of the fundamental laws of physics as...
Meteor fireball lights up sky across Michigan (Video)

Meteor fireball lights up sky across Michigan (Video)

Fireball Cuts Through the Sky Over Michigan as Meteor Falls. Some thought it was lighting, others grew concerned that it was a missile strike, and...
New research underscores urgency of solving the global methane problem

Research underscores urgency of solving the global methane problem

A new NASA research suggests methane emissions from fossil fuels may be responsible for half of the recent rise in global atmospheric methane concentrations....
Researcher found the perfect place to build a permanent base on the moon

Researcher found the perfect place to build a permanent base on the moon

A planetary scientist believes he may have found the sweet spot humans need to set up a permanent base on the moon. The SETI Institute...
Butterflies live on earth since earlier than we thought, says new research

Butterflies live on earth since earlier than we thought, says new study

Researchers have discovered the tiny fragments of fossil butterfly scales in more than 200 million-year-old rock cores. A few fossils which are too tiny...
Supermassive black hole emits a ferocious "double burp"

Supermassive black hole emits a ferocious “double burp”

A team led by CU Boulder researchers has caught a supermassive black hole in a distant galaxy snacking on gas and then “burping”—not once,...
NASA finds possible lava tubes that could support lunar colonies (research)

NASA finds possible lava tubes that could support lunar colonies (research)

Small pits in a large crater on the Moon's North Pole could be "skylights" leading down to an underground network of lava tubes –...

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