Thursday, January 9, 2025
Viruses raining down from Earth's atmosphere, says new research

Viruses raining down from Earth’s atmosphere, says new study

Researchers say billions of viruses per square metre are being swept into the atmosphere before raining down on Earth. The study marks the first time...
Sharks can inspire plane redesign, says new research

Sharks can inspire plane redesign, says new research

A study of shark skin has led to a new structure that could one day improve the aerodynamic performance of planes, wind turbines, and...
Researchers discover 'the Holy Grail of dinosaurs' in Africa

Researchers discover ‘the Holy Grail of dinosaurs’ in Africa

A new species of dinosaur found in Egypt’s Sahara Desert may help solve the mystery of the creatures’ evolution in Africa, scientists say. Found in...
When is the next supermoon 2018?

When is the next supermoon 2018?

SUPERMOONS are an incredible sight to behold and on January 31 sky gazers across the globe were able to witness an incredible phenomenon when...
First-ever space hotel will launch in 2021

First-ever space hotel will launch in 2021

First-ever, The World's First Space Hotel Is Set For Launch In 2021. Humanity’s first luxury space hotel is scheduled to launch in 2021, and it’ll...
10-Year Old Boy Discovers Ancient Fish Fossil, Report

10-Year Old Boy Discovers Ancient Fish Fossil (Details)

A 10-year-old boy found something that looked similar to a fish inside a stone. About three years ago, a likely bored ten-year-old boy was touring...
Cheetahs' Inner Ear is One-of-a-Kind, Vital to High-Speed Hunting

Cheetahs’ Inner Ear is One-of-a-Kind, Vital to High-Speed Hunting

The world’s fastest land animal, the cheetah, is a successful hunter not only because it is quick, but also because it can hold an...
Asteroid 2017 VR12 Will Skim Past Earth On March 7, Report

Asteroid 2017 VR12 Will Skim Past Earth On March 7, Report

2017 VR12 will pass closest to Earth – 3.76 times the moon’s distance – during the night of March 6-7. It’s a good target...
Where Is Elon Musk's Space Tesla Roadster Actually Going?

Where Is Elon Musk’s Space Tesla Roadster Actually Going?

There is now a car in orbit around the sun. Welcome to 2018. The car hitched a ride to space on what is now the...
Are the Earth's magnetic poles about to flip? (research)

Earth’s Poles Could Be ‘About To Flip’, Report

The Earth’s magnetic poles could be about to flip, sparking chaos and making large parts of the planet uninhabitable, a new study claims. Science author...

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