Saturday, September 21, 2024

Research: Ocean fertilization by unusual microbes extends to frigid waters of Arctic Ocean —

Microbes that provide natural fertilizer to the oceans by "fixing" nitrogen from the atmosphere into a form useable by other organisms were once...

Research: Water found on asteroid, confirming Bennu as excellent mission target —

From August through early December, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft aimed three of its science instruments toward Bennu and began making the mission's first observations...

Research: Why animals are better at sniffing complex smells —

Animals are much better at smelling a complex "soup" of odorants rather than a single pure ingredient, a new study by the University...

Research: Humans may be reversing the climate clock, by 50 million years —

Our future on Earth may also be our past. In a study published Monday (Dec. 10, 2018) in the Proceedings of the National Academy...

Research: Key players in the marine nitrogen cycle can utilize cyanate and urea —

The ammonia oxidizing archaea, or Thaumarchaeota, are amongst the most abundant marine microorganisms. Yet, we are still discovering which factors allow them to...

Research: Life in Deep Earth totals 15 to 23 billion tons of carbon —...

Barely living "zombie" bacteria and other forms of life constitute an immense amount of carbon deep within Earth's subsurface -- 245 to 385...

Research: The future of the world’s coral reefs is uncertain, as the impact of...

The future of the world's coral reefs is uncertain, as the impact of global heating continues to escalate. However, according to a study...

Research: Tiny droplets of early universe matter created —

Researchers have created tiny droplets of the ultra-hot matter that once filled the early universe, forming three distinct shapes and sizes: circles, ellipses...

Research: Unexpected impact of hurricanes on Puerto Rico’s watershed —

Researchers at the University of New Hampshire have found unprecedentedly high levels of nitrate, an essential plant nutrient, in streams and watersheds of...

Research: Ceres offers insight into the synthesis, transport of organic matter in the inner...

A team led by Southwest Research Institute has concluded that the surface of dwarf planet Ceres is rich in organic matter. Data from...

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