Saturday, September 21, 2024

Research: Lung lavage as new test method improves tuberculosis diagnosis in rhinoceros —

Diseases and tuberculosis in particular can pose considerable challenges for wildlife. In order to avoid epidemics within populations or to treat individual animals...

Research: Rice plants that grow as clones from seed —

Plant biologists at the University of California, Davis have discovered a way to make crop plants replicate through seeds as clones. The discovery,...

Research: 3D-printed reconstructions provide clues to ancient site —

Part of the ancient archaeological site of Tiwanaku, Bolivia, believed by Incans to be where the world was created has been reconstructed using...

Research: Large population of potential young planets found in distant planetary systems —

Astronomers have cataloged nearly 4,000 exoplanets in orbit around distant stars. Though the discovery of these newfound worlds has taught us much, there...

Research: Method shows around-the-clock interactions, gives insight into hummingbird health —

Beep" is not a sound you expect to hear coming from a hummingbird feeder. Yet "beeps" abounded during a study led by the...

Research: Iron storage strategies may determine which species thrive in changing oceans —

New research shows that phytoplankton iron storage strategies may determine which species thrive in changing oceans and impact marine food webs, according to...

Research: Dracula ants possess fastest known animal appendage: The snap-jaw —

Move over, trap-jaw ants and mantis shrimp: There's a faster appendage in town. According to a new study, the Dracula ant, Mystrium camillae,...

Research: More ‘heatwave’ summers will affect animals —

Heatwaves similar to those experienced in Europe in 2018 can have a very negative impact on animals. A new study from Lund University...

Research: The epoch of planet formation, times twenty —

Astronomers have cataloged nearly 4,000 exoplanets in orbit around distant stars. Though the discovery of these newfound worlds has taught us much, there...

Research: New fossil finds provide insight into biology and behavior of this ancient apex...

Thyalacoleo carnifex, the "marsupial lion" of Pleistocene Australia, was an adept hunter that got around with the help of a strong tail, according...

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