Monday, September 23, 2024
Yale researchers prove warm noses prevent colds

Yale researchers prove warm noses prevent colds

The temperature difference between the average nose and the lungs may be the reason people first acquire a cold (rhinovirus) in their nose before...
Brazilian scientists perfect first practical acoustic levitating device

Brazilian scientists perfect first practical acoustic levitating device

Marco Aurélio Brizzotti Andrade and colleagues at the University of São Paulo in Brazil are the first to develop an acoustic levitation device that...
Recent study suggests lack of support of space exploration by evangelicals

Recent study suggests lack of support of space exploration by evangelicals

According to a Wednesday story by the Catholic News Service, a recent study on religion and attitudes toward space exploration suggested that Jews, followers...
Fossil feces tell the tale of ancient Caribbean migration

Fossil feces tell the tale of ancient Caribbean migration

Fossilized feces known as coprolites have been used for the first time to verify the movements of ancient Americans from South America to the...
STEM program in U. S. targets the wrong things in children

STEM program in U. S. targets the wrong things in children

Researchers at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, the Niilo Mäki Institute and the University of Jyväskylä, both in Finland, published new findings in...
New coatings protect phones from salt water

New coatings protect phones from salt water

Samuel Graham and his colleagues at the Georgia Institute of Technology presented a method to produce near perfect protective barrier films for electronics using...
Television impairs children's theory of mind development

Television impairs children’s theory of mind development

Amy Nathanson, Molly Sharp, Fashina Aladé, Eric Rasmussen, and Katheryn Christy, all from Ohio State University, published the first research that ties too much...
Research reveals the truth about lying

Research reveals the truth about lying

The common beliefs about lying and the supposition that everyone lies or at least tells a few white lies every day has been brought...
Hornworm caterpillars found to use nicotine as a defense

Hornworm caterpillars found to use nicotine as a defense

Tobacco hornworm caterpillars were proven to use nicotine as a defense against their major predator by researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical...
Harvard study debunks glycemic index

Harvard study debunks glycemic index

Little to no evidence can substantiate the claims that high glycemic index foods like pasta and bananas increase a person’s risk for cardiovascular disease....

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