Saturday, March 15, 2025
Doctors Baffled By Unconscious Man With 'Do Not Resuscitate' Tattoo (Photo)

Doctors Baffled By Unconscious Man With ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Tattoo (Photo)

An unconscious patient caused a panic when doctors discovered he had the words 'Do Not Resuscitate' tattooed across his chest. The 70-year-old man, who was...
Eyeball Tattoo Leaves Woman In Pain And Partially Blind

Eyeball Tattoo Leaves Woman In Pain And Partially Blind

A model who ended up crying purple tears after a botched tattoo job says she is now at risk of losing her eye completely. Catt...
Motorcycles cause 10 percent of vehicle deaths in Ontario

Motorcycles cause 10 percent of vehicle deaths in Ontario

Motorcyclists in Ontario are three times more likely to be injured in a collision than people in automobiles, 10 times more likely to suffer...
Science is ready to make men pregnant, A New Study Reveals

Science is ready to make men pregnant, A New Study Reveals

Men could get pregnant as early as “tomorrow” due to huge leaps in the transplantation of wombs, according to the outgoing president of the...
Species Are Rapidly Adapting to City Habitats, Study

Species Are Rapidly Adapting to City Habitats, Study

Cities around the globe are fueling evolution among microbes, plants, and animals, driving physical mutations and altering gene flow, according to a new analysis...
Texas Woman's 'Heart Attack' Was Actually a Broken Heart

Texas Woman’s “Heart Attack” Was Actually a Broken Heart

The woman lost her 9-year-old Yorkshire terrier when she was diagnosed with broken heart syndrome. Joanie Simpson, 62, from Houston, Texas, woke up with a...
Fasting on and off could help prevent obesity, Says New Study

Fasting on and off could help prevent obesity, Says New Study

A new study suggests that intermittent fasting (IF), without restricting overall calorie intake, can help reduce weight, fight obesity and metabolic diseases. Intermittent fasting has...
Scientists claim to have identified a cause and a cure for dyslexia

Scientists claim to have identified a cause and a cure for dyslexia

A pair of French scientists have identified a tiny discrepancy in the eyes of people with dyslexia, potentially making it treatable. Writing in the Proceedings...
Eating banana and avocado daily cuts risk of heart attack, a new study reveals

Eating banana and avocado daily cuts risk of heart attack, a new study reveals

Eating one banana and an avocado a day may prevent hardening of the arteries that can result in heart disease and death, says new...
Canadian woman gets eye tattooed and it goes horribly wrong

Canadian woman gets eye tattooed and it goes horribly wrong

Canadian model has been left partially blinded after a botched eye tattoo; an experience which has left her considering taking her own life. Bad reactions...

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