Tesco Contact Lens Recall: What you should do

Tesco Contact Lens Recall: What you should do
Tesco Contact Lens Recall: What you should do

Tesco urgently recall popular contact lens solution over fears it could burn eyes or have even more ‘serious health consequences’.

Bausch + Lomb have identified a potential fault affecting all batch codes of EasySept Hydro + 360ml products. Residual peroxide could potentially remain in the lens case after neutralization.

If the residual hydrogen peroxide is above product specification, the user could experience burning/stinging, irritation, red eye and in rare circumstances other more serious health consequences.

As a precautionary measure, Bausch + Lomb are recalling all batch codes from customers. No other Bausch + Lomb products are known to be affected.

What you should do

Please do not use this product.

Please return the affected products to store where a full refund will be given. No receipt is required.


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