Spider web in Greece: 1000-Foot-Long Spider Web Is Just a Summer Orgy

Spider web in Greece: 1000-Foot-Long Spider Web Is Just a Summer Orgy
Spider web in Greece: 1000-Foot-Long Spider Web Is Just a Summer Orgy

Spider web stretches 1,000 feet across lagoon in Greece.

High temperatures in Greece have led to the emergence of an incredible 1,000-foot spider web covering the whole eastern side of a lagoon in Aitoloko.

Huge webs are spun by Tetragnatha spiders during mating season each year, but scientists said the warm and humid weather had led to an unusually large “spider party” this September.

A rise in the mosquito population has also boosted the number of spiders looking to feed on the insects while weaving their nests for mating.

The resulting cobwebs have completely smothered plants and palm trees along the shoreline in the small Greek town.

“It’s as if the spiders are taking advantage of these conditions and are having a kind of a party,” Maria Chatzaki, professor of molecular biology and genetics at Democritus University of Thrace told the Newsit.gr website.

“They mate, they reproduce and provide a whole new generation,” she added. “These spiders are not dangerous for humans and will not cause any damage to the area’s flora.

“The spiders will have their party and will soon die.”

Giannis Giannakopoulos shared photos of the “strange and unprecedented” spectacle at Aitoloko on his Facebook page.

The photographer said the vast spider veil had covered vegetation along a 300m stretch of beach.

“It is probably a reaction of nature to balance the system by limiting mosquitoes,” wrote Mr Giannakopoulos.


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