Jeb Bush To Teach Course At Faculty of the Texas A&M University

Jeb Bush To Teach Course At Faculty of the Texas A&M University
Jeb Bush To Teach Course At Faculty of the Texas A&M University

Former Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is joining the faculty of the Texas A&M University school of government that bears his father’s name.

The former Florida governor and presidential candidate is coming to Texas A&M University to teach a short course at A&M’s school of public affairs, which is named after his father, former President George H.W. Bush.

In a Facebook video announcing the move, he said he couldn’t help but flash the “hook ‘em, Horns” sign and proclaim his loyalty to his alma mater.

“But you know what’s more important to me? That I am the son of the greatest man alive, George H.W. Bush, the founder of the Bush School for Public Service,” he said.

The course will be 10 days long, and will be taught in January before the spring semester. Its focus will be on “the role of gubernatorial leadership and its impact on government at all levels,” according to the university. Sixty-five students have already signed up.

The Bush School’s dean, Mark Welsh, said in a statement that he is proud to be bringing the governor’s insight and experience to the school.

“Governor Bush is a dedicated and accomplished public servant who will provide our students — future leaders in public life — with a vivid perspective of the challenges facing state officials,” Welsh said. “We are very pleased to offer a course of this nature and look forward to Governor Bush’s arrival on campus.”

Welsh said the course will draw on Bush’s personal experience, as well as research on state government. It will be co-taught by a full-time Bush school professor, Blease Graham.

George H.W. Bush’s presidential library is also located on the A&M campus. The elder Bush has been a regular presence on campus since the library was dedicated in 1997.


  1. As long as leaders hide the truth about our past there is no sense to listen to a speech or a teaching by political leaders.


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