Massive Asteroid 2019 GT3 Closest Approach September 6, 2019

Massive Asteroid 2019 GT3 Closest Approach September 6, 2019
Massive Asteroid 2019 GT3 Closest Approach September 6, 2019

The asteroid 2019 GT3 is expected to zoom past Earth on 6th September around 10 AM IST.

NASA said the giant asteroid – dubbed 2019 GT3 – is a whopping 1,214ft wide, making it significantly taller than the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Given the asteroid’s massive size, it’s capable of creating a crater that’s about three miles wide if it collides with Earth.

This means the asteroid is powerful enough to destroy an entire city during an impact event.

The “city-destroyer” is currently traveling at a speed of 30,500mph.

NASA has predicted that 2019 GT3 will fly past Earth on September 6 at 4.21pm.

During its approach, the massive asteroid will be about 0.04996 astronomical units or around 4.6 million miles from the planet’s centre – making it a “potentially hazardous asteroid”.

The centre classes a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid as anything which threatens to approach Earth within 0.05 astronomical units.

The cosmic traveler is more than three times the length of a football field.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) class the place it’s heading as the “near-Earth object” zone.

Planetary defence is becoming increasingly important as scientists reel from unexpected near miss Asteroid 2019 OK, clocked just hours before its dramatic flyby.

It stormed past within 100,000km (62,000 miles) of Earth in July — less than a fifth of the distance to the Moon.

Measuring up to 130m across, it was dubbed a “city killer”.

Now the clock is ticking for humanity to learn how to deflect extinction event asteroids before it’s too late.

NASA is stepping-up plans to deliberately crash a spaceship into an asteroid when it joins forces with the European Space Agency (ESA).


  1. Your data is incorrect. GT3 at closest approach will be 19.5 LD which is 7,495,829km. Not even close.

    2019 RQ will pass .3 LD which is 115,320km. Much much closer but it’s only 3m wide. I recommend fact checking with JPL in the future.


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