Vertical UFO Stuns Mexico in First ‘Alien Sighting’ of 2018 (Video)

Vertical UFO Stuns Mexico in First 'Alien Sighting' of 2018 (Video)
Vertical UFO Stuns Mexico in First 'Alien Sighting' of 2018 (Video)

Have aliens finally visited Earth? Mysterious UFO looks humanoid as it hovers in the sky above busy road.

The film was shot in the Northern state of Baja California and shows an object hovering alongside a busy road.

Pedro Ramirez, a self-declared UFO boffin, said the clip was proof aliens were concerned about recent rocket launches.

He said: “You can see that the tubular UFO is flying vertically over the city.

“Aliens are aware that we have made a number of space launches recently and have identified that we have been sending up ‘war material’

“This year will be very important for those of us who follow this phenomenon closely.”

He added: “Some of these space missions have ‘suspicious objectives’ that alien being are aware of.”

Mr Ramirez referred to this month’s SpaceX mission which aimed to fire a satellite into orbit.

The operation was labelled as a failure, however, with the Zuma craft being declared “dead in orbit”.

SpaceX founder Elon Musk launched the rocket as boffins at Breakthrough Listen, a scientific research centre dedicated to finding intelligent life in the universe, confirmed it picked up the strange signals this week.

Radio bursts are not rare, but the FRB 121102 frequency is the only one that has been known to repeat itself.

The stunning details were revealed at this week’s meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Washington DC.

Researchers said the burst releases a “monstrous” amount of energy each millisecond.


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